Surfing the 9′ Soft Top in Foam and Real Waves

Surfing the 9′ Soft Top in Foam Waves and Real Waves makes surfing easier for beginners and adults. The board has a lot of volume for easy paddling, easy wave catching and easy pop ups.
The beginner surfer begins in foam waves. I start any surfer over 115 pounds on a 9′ soft top. Over 180 pounds, I have a soft top that has more volume than the average 9′ board at 24″ in width and 3.5″ in depth. This board will handle surfers up to 240 pounds.
Learning the Fundamentals on a Forgiving Board
The beginner learns to time foam waves and execute a pop up. Most beginners don’t land the stance perfect and so some leeway offered by a higher volume board is welcomed. After beginners do get the timing, rhythm, and techniques of riding foam waves to the beach from the inside break, they can start paddling out to bigger foam waves and then the small real waves that often reform inside the outside break.
The high volume forgives beginners who have not developed good paddling conditioning. Power, however is needed by all surfers to catch waves. The surfer has to accelerate in front of the wave. Many beginners put their hands on the board before they have caught the wave or too soon after the wave has hit the tail. Surfers have to feel the board take off before they put their hands on the board in both foam and real waves.
The Sand Bar Bottom Beach is More Difficult for Long Boards
In a sand bar bottom where waves are peaky and close out, the beginner will have trouble with 9′ boards pearling. At a reef, where waves can gain steepness but don’t close out, the surfer can angle into the pocket and pearling would be a rarity. The high volume makes it easier to catch the real waves early and be in the pocket before the lip starts coming over the top.
Reefs might require a lot of paddling to reach the waves and then a long paddle back to the start because the rides can be long. The surfer needs to build paddling stamina through paddling and perhaps weight and cable workouts. In the meantime, the long board glides across the top of the water and makes the task easier.
On reefs, some long boarders start paddling when the wave is only a ripple and they are way out in front as it arcs. This also gives them the right of way over other riders. Surfers have to pay attention to etiquette and catching the wave closest to the origin point will give them the right of way. Catching it early will be a warning to other surfers to stay off.
The 9′ long soft top can last a surfer a long time without the need to buy pricey hard boards.
Read Other Posts:
Beginner Surfers Learn on Soft Tops
5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance
3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves
Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board
Short Board Surfing Techniques
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