What is an Advanced Surfer?

what is an advanced surfer

Many surfers trying to progress their skills wonder What is an Advanced Surfer? There is a progression from beginner to advanced without a bell that goes off when you have arrived. Yet there are some good markers as indicators.

The beginner surfer begins learning the timing and rhythm of catching foam waves, popping up and riding to the beach. These beginner fundamentals are the same as advanced but they have been perfected and taken to real waves. A beginner pilot starts with a small plane, but he better know how to take off and land. Increasing his skills and moving to bigger planes he learns more skills and how to deal with more complex situations.

Making the Progression to Advanced

Surfing is similar. Moving from foam waves to real waves is a progression of knowledge, skills, judgment, strength, stamina, and courage. Quite a lot. The advancement requires regular visits to the water. Missing a few weeks has an effect on timing, surf strength, and stamina. These effect courage. Courage comes with the confidence the skills, strength, and stamina are up to the task of catching and riding the day’s waves.

Advanced surfers still have fear. They learn how to manage it. Learning to manage it requires facing the challenge that pushes capabilities often. Soon, the surfer becomes habituated to the same challenge and can then move to the next one. Somewhere along the line, he becomes advanced. Basic skills are certainly a proficient pop up. An advanced surfer catches the wave most every time. He can execute in the pocket. There are basic maneuvers and executing them is advanced. Going beyond to the big tricks is advanced plus.

Learning the Advanced Maneuvers

I see so many surfers in the Oceanside break attempting to rip the lip. This is where most surfers would draw one line. Ripping the lip is certainly necessary for competitions. The surfer must also know the cutback, how to accelerate, and how to read the wave for the right maneuver. Advanced plus surfers are learning the aerials, reverses, and the 360’s.

Advanced surfers are strong and have excellent stamina. They can stay in the water an hour plus for sessions. They can read, judge, and catch waves up to 6′. Catching bigger waves is one challenge many seek but not everyone. The bigger waves often require being on the right beach or traveling to where they occur. Bigger waves usually occur on reefs because sandbar beaches have trouble with waves holding form over 6′.

The advanced surfer has no concerns about their ability to catch waves and execute maneuvers. They are having fun and enjoying the opportunity. They cherish the bigger wave opportunity but take great satisfaction in good execution. In a word, advanced surfers know when they are advanced.

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