The Wrong Surf Board Stance Ends the Ride

the right stance for surfing

Most new surfers don’t realize the Wrong Surf Board Stance Ends the Ride. The stance for beginners riding real waves and the advanced surfers on real waves in the pocket look different.

The surfer in the pocket has his butt over one rail as he tries to hold the rail into the face of the wave. As he makes his maneuvers, he brings his body square to the front of the board when he is facing the beach and goes back to his butt on a rail when he is in the pocket.

Many Instructors Get Beginners Started Incorrectly

Many instructors teach beginners to move into the butt on the rail stance which I call snowboarding. One hand is trailing while the surfers body is facing the other rail instead of facing square to the beach. This causes most beginners and intermediates to fall off soon. When intermediates come to lessons for a tune up, this is always the problem.

Surfers get in the wrong stance with an incorrect pop up. Some instructors have the surfer place a front foot on the board and then swing into an upright stance with the butt over the rail. This weights that rail and causes the surfer to fall. The board was designed so the surfer’s weight is equal on both sides of the middle stringer. That means the butt is in the middle of the board and the weight on the right and left sides of the stringer is equal.

Getting the Pop Up Right

The pop up has to include both hands coming forward so the stance is like pushing a box. Imagine a tall box in front of you that you are going to push ten feet. You put both hands on the box and with feet spread you push into it. This stance would keep the surfer’s body equal on both sides of the middle stringer.

There are two good ways to get into that stance. The beginner can paddle, place his hands in a man’s push up position, push up, place one foot flat on the board under his butt, stand on the foot as he lifts his hands off the board and makes room for the other foot to move in front of the body.

The second is a more advanced pop up because it requires more strength and agility. The surfer goes through the same motions of paddling, placing his hands and pushing up. Now he pops both feet onto the board at the same time. He must drive the front foot in front of his body where most beginners don’t have the strength to do this. Their feet land under their body and their weight is on the back of the board. In this pop up, the hands are up as the feet hit the board and the surfer is pushing the box.

Until the surfer gets the right stance, he will not ride very far and will not progress.

Read Other Posts:

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5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance

3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves

Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board

Short Board Surfing Techniques

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