Seniors Are Surfing
Seniors Are Surfing and enjoying a new form of recreation and exercise. Options are closing down on what we can do these days, but the ocean is safe. With preparation, seniors can be ready to surf and get stronger when they start doing more surf specific exercises.
On the health side, exercise builds immunity and reduces insulin resistance if that is a personal issue. It also helps reduce underlying conditions that can make us more vulnerable to Covid. An exercise and weight control program can make seniors super fit and contribute to a better lifestyle.

How to Prepare and Sustain Fitness for Surfing
Seniors face, like many adults these days, the issues of strength, flexibility and stamina important for surfing. All three of these are also lifesyle quality issues. You need them to enjoy any recreation or to keep up with kids and grandkids. As we age, we can get more sedentary and put on weight; especially in the pandemic when we have lost the gym option.
Surfing demands upper body strength to push our body off the surfboard. Then we need core and lower body strength to get our rear leg under our body to stand up. We need strength to paddle and get our board in front of a foam wave. And finally, we need quick recovery after the exertion. Getting into surf shape changes our lives.
I have a routine that involves all the exercises that help live a healthy life and keep us in surf shape. We don’t need to be professional surfers. Riding foam waves is plenty of fun. Riding foam waves keeps us close to shore and away from the big waves and allows us to choose which waves to ride. An hour of foam surfing is a lot of exercise.
Losing weight contributes to our ability to move and lift our body. When we have been sedentary, our body loses the receptors in the muscles that absorb glucose and prevent carbs from going directly to fat. Building muscle increases receptors and reserves of glucose for exertion and recovery. It is a slow process that improves with consistency and time. Slow calorie restriction and fasting windows are the most efficient methods to reduce belly and body fat.
We don’t need to build muscle size, we want to build exercise capacity and endurance. This means lots of reps with low weights or no weights. We want some upper body exercises, leg exercises, core exercises, and flexibility exercises. They don’t all have to be done on the same day. We can start with a few and add a few each week. An aerobic routine can start with walking or biking and increase intensity just by adding time. Intensity can be added with a few hills. Intensity can be added with intervals. Speed up for thirty seconds and then resume normal pace.
Surfing is about timing and rhythm. We roll over when a foam wave is approaching and begin paddling. When the wave is close we paddle hard a few times. Then we put our hands on the board and perform a beginner pop up. Once in the correct stance we can ride to the beach with little effort. There is a lot of joy in using something without power (the surfboard) to harness Nature’s energy.
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To in surfing shape see my website Get Fit to Surf
Explore the Surf Lesson and Fitness Coaching Package
The Surfing Trilogy combines three books into one E-Book. Learn in one easy to read concise volume how to lose weight, get fit, and learn to surf.
It combines the books: The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and Learn to Surf Guide
Buy the E-Book on Amazon for $6.99

Want to get in great shape for surfing and an improved lifestyle? Start with the Free E-Book The 3 Week Plan. It is the perfect start for getting in great shape and losing weight.
Consider Coaching and the Surf Package the combines Surf Lessons and Fitness Coaching

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Get my new book Get Fit to Surf

Its time to get back in shape. This book discusses strength, flexibility, stamina, and nutritional needs for getting in shape and losing weight. It is the great guide to get back to fitness for all your recreational desires. If you can surf, you can do most anything.
Buy on Kindle for $2.99 or Paperback on Amazon for $6.95
Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio

A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
Kindle price $2.99 on Amazon. Paperback price $6.95 on Amazon. Audio download price $7.95
Everybody Can Surf
To read a great book for getting in shape to surf or getting in better surfing shape, read my new book Everybody Can Surf, a Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Surfing Adventure

Get healthy and fit to surf or set a goal of surfing to improve weight, fitness, nutrition, and health. This guide by a surf instructor/health coach/personal trainer gives the short version of how to lose weight, get strong, build stamina, develop nutrition, and learn to surf. Surfing is a lifestyle enjoyed by millions and so is fitness. Fitness creates opportunities to enjoy life through lots of different kinds of recreation. No need to stand on the sidelines while others are having a great time. Start your program to health with easy steps and progress at your own pace. That is the secret to maintaining a lifestyle. Do it at your pace. This book will start you on the path.
Buy the E book on Amazon for $2.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $6.95
Seniors Get Fit to Surf
Seniors often ask if it is too late to learn to surf. Age is functional not chronological. If people have been exercising and maintaining body strength, surfing can be accomplished. If people have not been exercising, then getting in shape to surf could be a life changing move. Learn how to develop strength, flexibility, and stamina to learn surfing. If you are in surf shape, you could pursue most any recreation.
Buy the E-book on Amazon for $2.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $6.95

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