How Long for Beginner Surfers to be Advanced Surfers

how long to become an advanced surfer

Many new surfers enter the sport wanting to be as good as the people they see in film and wonder How Long for Beginner Surfers to be Advanced Surfers. It is a great question and like many sports there are conditions to improving to the highest levels.

Being an advanced surfer might be conditional on age in that it takes a long time to reach the highest levels and requires a great deal of strength and stamina not to mention courage which is easier for the young. Nonetheless, there are many advanced surfers that are adults and in their 50’s. Chances are they started when they were young.

Does the Age of the Surfer Make a Difference

Someone starting in the 40’s and 50’s could become an advanced surfer if they can afford the time to practice. One of the conditions of reaching advanced surfing and maintaining it is frequent trips to the water. Surfing is timing and rhythm. Surfing is conditioning. Surfing is courage which is easier if the trips to the water and wave catching are frequent.

So, that covers the time element. What about the physical conditioning. Surfers become more fit from surfing. Paddling stamina increases with lots of paddling. Flexibility is an important factor and surfing keeps one flexible but stretching out of the water can help. Doing pop ups everyday is better. Upper and lower body strength are important which can be built with squats, dead lifts, and pushups. Stamina is necessary which can be improved with aerobic exercises.

Surfers Must Be Able to Learn

Finally, there is the learning. Surfing is more technical than anyone expects. The beginning fundamentals start with catching foam waves and riding to the beach. Then the surfer learns to paddle out to catch bigger foam waves and then small real waves. He advances to catching bigger real waves and goes as far as his skills and courage will take him. This does become a function of time devoted and physical conditioning.

With three or four lessons, the average surfer can start catching small real waves. The lessons should not be less frequent than once a week. After a few weeks between lessons, the surfer forgets too much. Then the surfer needs to keep visiting the water once a week to practice. In a few months, the surfer should be more comfortable catching real waves and at least driving the pocket.

In the process, the surfer learns how to accelerate on real waves, do bottom turns, and then cut backs. This enters the phase of advanced surfing. These are the most fundamental maneuvers. Surfers then learn to rip the lip which is to ride up the face and then do a cut back to get back down the face while perhaps spraying the lip with the tail of the board. This is advanced territory and one can see surfers practicing these tricks with every visit to the beach. A dedicated surfer should be able to get this far in a year.

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For the following services call 760-696-7149: Individual Surf lessons in Oceanside, private group and family surf lessons, Oceanside surf lessons for kids, package lessons for vacations and more in-depth learning.

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