Carving on Soft Surf Boards

carving turns on soft tops

It is fun Carving on Soft Top Surf Boards and good training for the time when surfers will be riding hard boards. The main difference is soft tops have thick rails and cannot be pushed into the water as deeply as hard boards. The action has to more subtle.

Beginner surfers can start carving in riding foam waves to the beach. Many snowboarders and skateboarders love to learn carving in the foam. The surfer has to have a neutral stance on the board with shoulders squared to the beach. If the left foot is forward (regular) and they want to carve face side (right) they turn their upper torso to the right and place a little pressure on the toes. To go left, they turn their upper torso left and place a little pressure on their heels.

Carving in Real Waves

In real waves, the soft top is capable of several maneuvers. The first maneuver is a bottom turn into the pocket off the face of the wave. The surfer executes like he did in foam waves by turning his upper body and pressuring the toes or heels.

Once in the pocket, accelerating is achieved by moving the front foot up on the nose causing the board to go up the face and then quickly releasing so it drops down. Two or three pumps is adequate to get the speed for a maneuver. Then the surfer can do a cut back. The surfer wants to reverse direction to get back to the power of the wave. He turns his upper torso down the face of the wave and then rotates as he places pressure on his toes or heels. When he returns to the power of the wave, he can do another cut back. This lengthens the time on the wave.

Getting up the face for snaps or aerials is more difficult for the surfer who has not yet performed these maneuvers on short boards, but they can be done. Their is a need to dig the rail into the face of the wave with a bottom turn. To do a snap, the surfer does a cut back at the top of the wave and as he goes down the face, he does a bottom turn back into the pocket. These are advanced maneuvers. Many surfers are on hard boards by the time they want to execute these maneuvers.

Read Other Posts:

Beginner Surfers Learn on Soft Tops

5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance

3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves

Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board

Short Board Surfing Techniques

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