Advanced Surfing Techniques

Advanced Surfing Techniques help surfers progress from riding foam to real waves and beyond. The fundamentals learned by beginners in foam waves are used in advanced surfing, but in the progression some new skills are learned.
A few fundamentals help new surfers progress. They learn how to paddle more effectively, duck dive, and time real waves for catching. Paddling is important for both paddling out to waves and catching waves. Paddles should be half swim strokes driving the flat hand into the water up to the elbow and pulling with the forearms for maximum power. The surfer lifts his chest off the board to take the weight off the nose and paddles along the sides of the board, not out sideways like a turtle.
Duck Diving is a First
Duck diving is what surfers look forward to as they move to shorter boards. It helps them avoid the brunt of an oncoming foam wave. They push the board under with extended arms while putting a foot on the tail and standing on it as they lift the other foot into the air to dive under the wave. As they reach maximum depth, they then release the feet and travel back to the surface.
The difference between catching foam and real waves starts with the timing. The beginner lets the foam wave roll in and hit the tail of the surfboard. The wave can be caught anytime from the beginning to the end. A real wave has to be timed to catch it as it arcs. This is only a few seconds in time. The surfer must know where the waves are breaking and position himself close to this point. When he sees the wave first forming a bump, he determines where to paddle. He lets the wave come under the surfboard lifting the tail. The surfer then paddles hard into the face. As the board starts down, he pops onto the board as it is coming under his feet.
Alternate Ways to Catch Waves
The surfer often points the board toward the pocket before popping up to get into the pocket ahead of the falling lip. The surfer often catches the wave in the corner when the apex of the wave is too steep for his skills. The advanced surfer learns how to work the lineup. In most lineups, everyone is given a chance to catch waves. Let others catch waves and then paddle when a wave forms that you want. If you catch them, surfers will give you room next time as well.
Learn the maneuvers. The basic advanced maneuvers are bottom turning into the pocket and up the face to rip the lip. Accelerating the board for speed to perform a maneuver. Doing a cut back to return to the power, for style, or often to stall while a barrel catches up with you. These three can lead to 360’s, aerials, and reverses. Surfers spend their lives perfecting wave catching and the basic maneuvers and tricks.
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5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance
3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves
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