5 Ways to Be a Better Beginner Surfer

Once surfers have taken a lesson, it is up to them to improve their performance. There are 5 Ways to Become a Better Beginner Surfer. The idea is to improve to become an advanced surfer.
The surfer has become intermediate when they are catching real waves. They become advanced when they can catch at least 6′ real waves and perform a number of maneuvers competently and every time. Advanced surfers rarely fall off waves and can perform the right maneuvers for the waves.
Perfect the Pop Up
The first thing the beginner surfer must do is perfect the pop up. As he progresses to real waves the pop up must be flawless and work every time. He must have the right pop up technique to land him in the perfect stance. Secondly, the stance has to be perfect. Surfers fall off the surfboard because their pop up is not perfect and their stance is flawed.
The right stance for beginners is feet shoulder width apart with the front foot over the middle stringer and angled 45 degrees forward. Most important is his hips and shoulders are squared parallel to the beach. The first thing that causes a fall is one shoulder or hand back causing the butt to be over a rail. This weights the heels and causes a fall over the butt side.
Most surfers can benefit from losing weight. Professionals want to be lean so their is less weight on the surfboard. The pop up keeps improving as we get lighter. Our agility on the surfboard will be better when we are lighter. The short board sinks with weight so the less it sinks, the easier it is to paddle.
Build Strength
Surfers want to build strength. Surfing is a full body sport. It requires upper body, lower body, core, and flexibility. Lots of flexibility. Looking at pros warming up on the beach, they can stretch their bodies into pretzels. Can’t get too flexible. Upper body strength is assisted by pushups, bench presses, and cables. Lower body strength is assisted with squats and dead lifts, Can even be done without weight. Core strength can be build with planks.
Stamina is needed for longer practice sessions and assurance of safety when the waves are big. Paddling is the best way to build build paddling stamina, but cross training with other aerobic sports (running, bike riding etc) can help.
Nutrition assists all efforts. Nutrition can help us lose weight and fuel the muscles for effort and recovery. The right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat are needed and we can experiment to see which percentage combinations serve our purpose. Micro-nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals supply the body with the nutrients we don’t get from our food.
Combine all these and you are on your way to being professional grade. Have fun.
Read Other Posts:
Beginner Surfers Learn on Soft Tops
5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance
3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves
Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board
Short Board Surfing Techniques
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