3 Steps for Beginner Surfer Progress

There are 3 steps for beginner surfer progress to become an advanced surfer. There is a road that is traveled to become advanced and there are no shortcuts. Progress often seems slow, but being an advanced surfer is not easy.
Beginner surfers often say after their first lesson that it was more technical than they expected and more tiring. Overcoming both these elements is the road to becoming advanced. Beginner surfers learn a sequence for catching foam waves that is simulated for catching real waves. Therefore, mastering the fundamentals is crucial for progress.
Learning the Sequence
The sequence a beginner surfer learns begins with catching a foam wave. The surfer should, if possible, begin in shallow water and roll over onto their surfboard as the foam wave approaches. Having to paddle out and turn around for waves adds a complication that beginners should avoid at the start. The surfer learns to spot a good wave, roll over and start paddling for momentum, and then paddling hard to get in front of the wave. This acceleration of paddling is necessary for foam and real waves so paddling has to be mastered.
After showing the patience to catch the wave and feel the board take off which is important for foam and real waves, the surfer puts his hands on the board. Hands are placed in a man’s pushup position next to the rib cage. Beginners like to put their hands in front of their shoulders and move from paddling to an already pushed up position. This is the end of the ride for them.
Mastering the Pop Up
The pop-up sequence begins with the “stop” of putting the hands in a man’s push up position and resting for a second. This allows time to gather poise after the effort to catch the wave. From here, the beginner pushes up and places a foot flat on the board under their butt so they can stand on it. Anything different makes the pop up very difficult. Once the surfer stands on the rear foot, they can raise their hands and easily place the other foot in front of their body near the nose. This process works for foam and real waves.
The third important step is conditioning. Beginner surfers need flexibility, strength and stamina. All three have to be improved to advance. Flexibility is necessary to properly execute the pop up. Those without flexibility find this step difficult. Strength is needed to lift the body off the board, get the feet under the body for a pop up, and paddling. Paddling gets to be more of a core practice as surfers advance.
Developing Stamina
Stamina is necessary because surfing is physically demanding and becomes more demanding with advancement. All types of aerobics are helpful. The muscles absorb more glucose with exercise and store the glucose for effort and recovery. Glucose is developed from carbohydrates. The body needs protein to develop more muscle. The body needs fat to fuel the body when the carbohydrates have run low. Long slow exercise sessions develop the body’s ability to burn fat for fuel.
Nutrition then becomes the added element. The right fuel is needed before and after exercise or just during the day. Losing weight or maintaining a lean structure helps surfing stamina. Lean means more oxygen uptake and less weight to paddle. Lean also makes pop ups easier.
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5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance
3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves
Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board
Short Board Surfing Techniques
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