Why the Beginner Surfer Pop Up
There is a good reason why the beginner surfer pop up is better for most than the advanced surfer pop up. To get started for beginners it is best to use a high volume board, start in foam waves, and make the process easy as possible.

The Advanced Surfer Pop Up
In the dry land lesson, I start beginners with the fundamentals of how to balance on the board, catch waves, and do a pop up. The advanced pop up requires surfers to do a push up and then pop both feet to the surf board with the front foot where the hands were sitting.
This is the most efficient way to get smoothly up on the surf board without upsetting the fine balance. This techniques requires good upper body strength, a strong core, and athleticism that can be gained with practice.
A high percentage of beginners are not necessarily conditioned or regular exercisers. They don’t build body strength nor engage in aerobics. They therefore are not even used to learning new body movements.
The Beginner Surfer Pop Up
The beginner pop up is a sequence that relies on the strength of the back leg, which has the biggest muscles in the body and requires little upper body or core strength. When placing the back foot on the board and standing up, it also allows the front foot to easily reach the front of the board.
The sequence I gives students is an out loud count that is paddle, stop, back foot, stand up, and front foot. In this sequence, I start by pushing students into a foam wave, then they stop by putting both hands on the board in a man’s push up position, Then they place the back foot under their body flat on the board. As they stand up, they raise their hands up to the front of the body and move the mostly weightless front foot to the front of the board.
Key Posture for Riding the Surf Board
The final requirement is they land in the proper posture. The hips and shoulders have to be squared to the front with their hands in front. Their feet should be shoulder width apart (3′). Weight is equal on front and back legs and knees are flexed.
If the board goes straight to the beach with very little balancing effort from the surfer, the posture is correct. The sequence is paddle, rest, pop up, and ride. If each item in the sequence is taken in order and smoothly, the surfer is up and riding.
Read Other Posts:
Beginner Surfers Learn on Soft Tops
5 Steps to Improve Surfing Performance
3 Ways to Catch Real Surfing Waves
Training to Ride the Surfing Short Board
Short Board Surfing Techniques
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The Surfers Life
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