Why Take Lessons Every Week

There is a good reason for people who are serious about learning to surf to take surf lessons every week. Getting on a surf board, catching a wave, popping up, and riding to the beach requires a series of different techniques. Most people can’t remember them all in one lesson.

Most new students learn how to ride in the first lesson. This is assisted by me as an instructor correcting each incorrect technique. Soon the student puts everything together and is riding to the beach. Without the corrections and once they practice on their own, they start creating their own techniques and therefore problems.

surf lessons

Getting Techniques to Muscle Memory

Advanced surfers have committed all the correct techniques to muscle memory and don’t make mistakes riding big waves. They make poor beginner instructors because they can’t remember all the things they do automatically.

Beginner students are usually remarkably better on the second lesson. They are fresh and don’t have to go through all the learning problems. They remember enough to ride the surf board. Now the fewer amount of problems can be corrected to make the process more proficient.

Recently, a senior who had tried on his own for months came to me wondering if he could ever surf. He felt like a failure but didn’t want to give up. He was in good shape but not very flexible. On the second lesson he rode almost every wave to the beach. He had a lot of technique issues due to flexibility and flawed muscle memory from practicing on his own, but we had corrected enough to get him catching every wave.

Kids are pretty good at using the instructions and their own intuition to get up on the on the board. The problem is often that their “work arounds” to correct techniques will work in small foam waves, but will create real issues once they try to advance to bigger foam waves and real waves.

I have lots of intermediates that come back for a tune up because they had enough success to try real waves, but their flawed techniques were preventing them from having success on real waves. 95% of the time, their problems were elementary techniques with their pop up and posture on the board. Most of these can be corrected easily.

Weekly Instructions

Its summer time and everyone that is local wants to be surfing often. Those who have had a few lessons can practice successfully but still have flaws that prevent quick advancement. Their experience between lessons builds their stamina and makes them more comfortable in the ocean.

Correcting the bad habits they fall into and reminding them of techniques they have forgotten make a big difference in their performance. Each week they can practice on their own at a higher level.

Advanced surfing can take a few years of regular practice. It is more technical than anyone imagines although once the techniques are learned, it is relatively easy for anyone to advance. Regular coaching starting weekly and then once a month can make the process less frustrating and more fun.

Learn More

My New Surfing Course in an E-Book plus Demo Video or Audio Version

Get the 18 Chapter, 7,500 word Course that can prepare you for a lesson or give you the fundamentals if you are going to try it on your own. 10 years of teaching 350 students a year has given me the insights on the most precise measures you must follow for success. This course is what I teach on the dry land and in water instruction. The Course includes a 15 minute video on my dry land and in water demonstration. Only $4.95

See Excerpts

Buy the E-Book and start learning $2.99.  Learn to Surf

Buy the Paperback on Amazon $7.95

Get Learn to Surf Course in 29 minute AUDIO. Great prep for a lesson, reviewing after a lesson, learning on your own, refreshing after not having surfed for a while. See Table of Contents. Only $7.95. 

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For Oceanside Surf Lessons, see the Home Page

See the Post Search Lessons Teach Fundamentals

See the Post Catching Real Surf Waves

See my Dry Land and in Water Demo video

See my other Surf site for more Posts

I have lowered the price of Courses and Books for the lock down price of $2.99

See Amazon for the Ebook

80 page Learn to Surf Book

Surf Instructions Beginner to Advanced: Learn to Ride Waves by [Kaplan, Mark]