What Kids Learn Surfing

What kids learn surfing is a lot of very valuable information about themselves and the ocean. They learn to listen, focus, and comfort in the ocean. They learn they can learn something that is not simple.

Kids Learn Surfing

Kids learn a recreation or sport they can enjoy the rest of their lives. If they aren’t able to surf often, they have learned the basic tenets and it is not difficult to refresh. More importantly, they have learned they are not afraid of the ocean.

In an unusual case, I had a 9 year old girl whose mother brought her for several lessons. She progressed from the 8′ beginner board to a short board and was catching real waves in a remarkably short period of time. You couldn’t get her out of the water. She would spend over two hours riding waves.

Kids Find Joy

Imagine the joy kids can have enjoying their capabilities and knowing they can blend and utilize the power of Mother Nature to have fun. There is something fascinating to all surfers how something without power like a surf board can harness power with the skill of the rider.

Kids learn surfing at the beginning usually by climbing up the board instead of using formal techniques. They have to learn to end with the right posture without upsetting the balance of the surf board. As they get older they start learning the more formal techniques and with more paddling power, have better experiences.

Kids Learn the Value of Respect

Kids learn the value of respecting the ocean and how to keep themselves safe. At first many people are intimidated by waves, but once you learn how to minimize your resistance by handling your body and the board, you realize its only heavy water and it can slide past you. Duck diving is a good example.

Surfing is a culture. It is a healthy one. You learn to value the ocean and want to keep it healthy. You learn the value of your own health. You can learn to take care of your equipment. The most valuable lesson is you learn your limits, but that you might want to push them just to see who you are.

For Surf Lessons in Oceanside, see my Home Page

See my video on Dry Land Lesson and in Water Demo

See a video on Carving Real Waves