Surfing Difficult without Lessons

The Value of Surf Lessons

I teach Surf Lessons in Oceanside USA and not to toot my own horn, but most of my students are happy they took lessons before starting out on this venture. Lots of people who say they were going to try on their own say they are glad they didn’t. Many who tried and found it frustrating to learn, decided they better begin with a few instructions. 

Surfing is more technical than people realize. It looks easy the way experts pop up on a wave and carve beautiful maneuvers. Anyone who watches snowboards in the half pipes might think snowboarding looks easy. Two things have to happen with both: Your techniques lead to courage, it takes years to master both where you are performing like those you see on film.

Catching Waves for Beginners

Most beginners have no idea how to catch a wave. It seems simple. The timing in leading the wave, catching it, and then timing the pop up is the first obstacle new people can’t get on their own. In surf lessons, I don’t introduce catching waves until students can paddle after me pushing them into the wave and then do a pop up and ride to the beach. This takes a half hour for most students.

Once students have learned to pop up and catch their own waves, they have a great time in their new found freedom. Now they can catch the waves and apply the techniques to their new adventure. One hour of learning how to do it can save months of trial and error or the frustration that causes people to quit.


For Surf Lessons in Oceanside, see the Home Page

A good video for learning how to surf