Seniors Can Surf On Long Boards
Seniors can surf on long boards because they are the most accommodating to all the demands of surfing. Many surfers who started out young, move to more high volume boards because they keep the fun.
The demands of surfing are paddling, catching waves, and riding the waves. All three are easier with a high volume long board. There are many reasons people choose to surf on long boards. They don’t surf regularly and lose the paddling stamina. They want to surf longer sessions and so need paddling to be easier. They are over weight and need the volume for support.

The Fundamentals of Long Board Surfing
At an average break, long boarders can catch waves earlier that short boarders and so get a better selection. As the wave forms, the long board will move first because the short board needs the wave to be arcing overhead ready to break.
The long boarder often wants to turn the board toward the pocket before popping up to avoid pearling down a steep face. The surfer paddles to catch the wave then turns the board toward the pocket before popping up on the board. Going at an angle, the nose won’t dive into the bottom.
To surf the long board, the surfer normally runs the pocket without having to do as much accelerating as the short board. The long board dynamic allows the board to move fast ahead of the pocket where as the short boarder has to pump.
Whereas the short boarder carves while standing in place on the surf board, the long boarder moves back and forth on the board. He as a strong stance in the middle of the board when running the pocket, but when he wants to do a cut back he steps back on the board, putting weight on the tail and then rotates the board. Then he moves forward again.
Active long boarders are seen moving forward and back creating more carves and maneuvers. The long boarders favorite trick is running to the nose and handing ten toes over the end. Short boarders cannot do this.
When you surf on long boards you can surf in more conditions, especially on small surf days. You can also surf less frequently and still have fun because paddling is much easier. You might also surf longer in life because the long board is more accommodating to declining skills.
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