Beginner Surfers Learn Pop Ups in Oceanside Lessons

Beginner surfers learn pop ups in Oceanside surf lessons after both a dry land practice and then being pushed into waves in the water. With the beginner pop up process, most people can learn in the first lesson.

Surfer rides to the beach

The pop up follows catching the wave. In a foam wave, the beginner student paddles for at least three paddles after the wave impacts the board to get in front of the foam.

Then the surfer places his hands on the board in a man’s push up position under his chest. Then he pushes up evenly with his knees still resting on the board. At this point student puts his back foot on the board under his butt so he can stand on that on foot.

As the back foot lands and the standing begins, the hands come off the board. At this point, the front foot is almost weightless and easy to place in the front of the board in the middle across the stringer. Both hands rise in front of the body not letting one shoulder drop back.

If the hands are in front of the surfer and the shoulders and hips are squared to the front, the posture is correct on the board. Then with knees slightly bent, the surfer should be able to ride straight to the beach.

For Surf Lessons in Oceanside, see the Home Page

For my dry land lesson and in water demo video