Beginner Surfer Pop Ups

Beginner surfer pop ups are different than advanced pop ups, but give new surfers an easier opportunity to ride. The advanced pop up you see in movies requires more upper body strength, core strength, and athletic ability.

the beginner surfer pop up

The Beginner Surfer Pop Up

Beginner surfer pop ups use the strength of the back leg to stand instead of having to use the upper body and core in the advanced pop up. A good practice exercise for both pop ups is a burpie with a push up. Doing 10 a day will have great results.

The beginner surfer pop up uses the same count I give to students for the advanced pop up. Start with counting out loud in the water with paddling as one. When the surfer catches the wave he puts his hands on the board in a man’s push up position and that is count two.

Count three is pushing up. Count four for the beginner pop up is putting the back foot on the board under the butt so it will support the surfer’s weight as he stands. At the next instant, the surfer is raising his hands as he moves his front foot to the front of the board.

Getting the Posture Right

The right posture is both feet shoulder width apart with the hips and shoulders squared to the front. The knees are flexed and the hands are in front. If the posture is right, then the board goes straight and the ride is easy.

On the advanced surfer pop up, after the push up, the surfer moves both feet at the same time to the right posture on the surf board. Practicing in the living room everyday is a great way to condition the right muscles.

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