Why Surfers Get Lean
Surfers get lean for many reasons. It is a combination of aerobic and resistance training work outs. Aerobics use fatty acids for fuel and recovery from intense muscle use also incorporates fatty acids for restoring energy, repairing, and rebuilding muscle.

The Surfing Exercise
Surfers get lean from exercising frequently and allowing rest between exercises for muscles to grow and rebuild. As muscle increases, metabolis increases burning more calories at rest.
The intensity of muscle burning in aerobics utilizes the endomysium fat that can accumulate around muscle fibers and is often called the invisible fat. This fat prevents nutrients from entering muscles and wastes being discarded. It is the fat that can keep well built weight trainers from being able to run around the block.
Paddling Not Riding is the Main Surfing Exercise
Paddling is like swimming in exercising the upper body. Paddling is both steady state aerobics as surfers paddle out to waves and then intense aerobics as surfers paddle to catch waves. Intervals, so to speak, are the most efficient fat burners whether running, walking, swimming, or working on the tread mill.
Nutrition is Key for Muscle Building and Fat Loss
Nutrition is important for building muscle and becoming lean. Surfers get lean from following good fitness nutrition schedules as well as ingested calories. Fitness and leanness come from supplying muscle with nutrients before and after exercise and then every four hours to keep the anabolism (muscle building) process continuing.
Without proper nutrients at the right time, muscle feeds on itself for fuel lowering metabolism and then the calorie burning while at rest. If fed before exercise, muscle will use carbohydrates and protein for energy. If fed after exercise, muscle will use carbohydrates, protein, and fat to rebuild.
Cross Training
Combining surfing with cross training to support the muscles needed for surfing and build cardio-respiratory fitness is a routine followed by pros. Surfers can accentuate the progress to get lean by building antagonist muscle (opposite of muscle used to surf). Surfing is both pushing off the board and pulling with the arms to paddle.
Doing chest presses with weights and chest pulls with cables supports these muscles and balances the growth. Doing leg extensions builds the quadriceps while doing leg curls builds the hamstrings. Doing squats, dead lifts, and military presses support the large muscle groups that are called upon for surfing.
Surfers get lean from their exercise and getting lean helps surfing. Getting stronger and leaner supports any recreation as well as our Average Daily Activities. The fact that health and longevity are side products is one more bonus.
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