Learning to surf is a comprehensive experience including physical conditioning, learning waves, practicing techniques, and understanding equipment.
My E-book Surf Instruction Beginner to Advanced is a comprehensive guide to all these important points.
This is the Table of Contents and then a brief introduction:
Table of Contents
I>Preparing the Beginner for the Adventure
- Water Safety
- Preparing Your Body to Surf
- Nutrition for Surfing
- Wet Suits and Leashes
- Journaling
- What the Oceans Teaches about Spirituality
- Swimming with the Dolphins
- Cross Training
II>Waves, Beaches and Boards
- Learning About Waves
- Sand Bar vs Reef Beaches
111>Board Definitions
- Board Selection
- Soft Top Boards
- High Performance Short Board
- Hybrid Short Board
- Mini Long Board (fun board)
- Long Board
- Soft Top and Styrofoam Boards
- Paddling and the Board You Choose
IV>Beginner Lessons
- Finding the Sweet Spot on Your Board
- The Pop Up
- Pearling
- Going Over The Falls
- Riding Foam Waves
- Three Methods of Paddling
- Getting Out Through the Waves
- Going Turtle
- Paddling Through the Lip
- Standing Up on the Board
- Letting Go of Your Board
V>Intermediate Lessons
- Surfing Better Waves Makes Surfers Better
- Duck Diving
- Peaks, Shoulders, and Corners
- Close Outs and Walled Off Waves 37
- Catching Waves Before They Break 37
- Timing the Wave 38
- The Need For Courage 40
- Getting the Feel of the Wave 42
- Types of Maneuvers 43
- How to Start Carving 44
- Stability vs Speed 45
- Cut Backs 46
- Angling on the Wave 47
- Driving the Wave 48
- Pumping in Transition 49
- Pumping Down the Pocket 49
- Accelerating or Rail to Rail 50
- The Right of Way in the Line Up 53
- Winning in the Line Up 56
- Surfing Any Day Big or Small 58
- Learning to Fall 59
- Take Your Riding to the Inside 62
- Long Board Techniques 63
- Big Wave Surfing 66
VI>Advanced Lessons
- Making Bottom Turns 67
- Hitting the Lip 68
- How to Do and Land Aerials 68
- How to Land 360’s 68
- Aerial 360’s 69
- Back Side Reverse 69
- Front Side Air Reverse 70
- Snaps Off the Lip 72
- Tail Slides 72
- Floating the Lip 72
- Getting Barreled 73
VIII>How Surf Boards are Constructed
1. Surf Board Construction 77
Laird Hamilton rode a historically large wave at Teahupoo, Tahiti that made Surfing Magazine Cover with the caption “Oh My God”. His dad asked him why he does these crazy things and his answer: “I do not want to not live because I am afraid of what might happen”.
In learning to surf, I read a lot of books on various aspects of this great sport. The history is rich with early island surfers on big boards. The sport eventually spread to Australia and America and then all over the world.
I have been a lifelong skier and recent snowboarder. Surfing offers similar but different challenges than either of my previously two favorite sports. For those who love surfing, it becomes addicting. Living at the beach, I get to serve that addiction every day. I have also had the opportunity to start many surfers on their first ride. That also becomes addicting.
There is a real thrill in standing up on that board the first time as the wave pushes you to shore. There is a great thrill in seeing how stoked the first timer becomes experiencing the sport that has captured millions of enthusiasts since the 1960’s.
In surfing, the psychological barriers can be as big as the physical and technical barriers. It takes mastery of all three to become an expert. The mechanics are important and I have tried to explain them in a narrative which may be easier to take into account what you are feeling, thinking and experiencing.
I chuckle to myself as tough marines mention they are nervous about catching a wave and getting trounced. We all learn we are no match for Mother Nature. Good technique is our best defense.
I hope you enjoy this book and feel when you are finished that you found it beneficial. Even more so, I hope it helps you become addicted to the sport and starts a lifelong relationship.
For the following services call 760-696-7149: Individual Surf lessons in Oceanside, private group and family surf lessons, Oceanside surf lessons for kids, package lessons for vacations and more in-depth learning.