Beginner Surfer Fitness Program

A beginner surfer fitness program is excellent to prepare for a first surf lesson and to continue while building surfing skills and techniques. Surfing is a full body sport and professionals build strength on a continuous program. Beginner Surfer Fitness Beginner fitness can be simple. Flexibility, upper body strength and stamina are three early requirements…

Why Surfers Get Lean

Surfers get lean for many reasons. It is a combination of aerobic and resistance training work outs. Aerobics use fatty acids for fuel and recovery from intense muscle use also incorporates fatty acids for restoring energy, repairing, and rebuilding muscle. The Surfing Exercise Surfers get lean from exercising frequently and allowing rest between exercises for…

Surfing and Fitness

Surfing and fitness go together and they are both goals. Surfing creates fitness and fitness makes for better surfers. Most professional surfers cross train out of the water. Creating a Fitness Routine Surfing and fitness can be the foundation of a healthy routine. I personally surf, bike, walk, swim, and train in the gym. Fitness…

Personal Training for Surfing

Personal training for surfing is complementary for the physical skills necessary to advance. Surfing has specific muscles and demands almost like gymnastics, but certainly like becoming a triathlete. Surfing Has Physical Demands for Beginners You don’t ease into surfing as walking leads to jogging. Even though beginning surfers ride foam waves and big surf boards,…