overweight people can surf
how overweight adults can learn to surf
learn to surf guide

A comprehensive discussion about getting in condition for a sport that demands everything

Learn how to get fit to surf and the fundamental techniques that beginners need to learn. 

A quick Guide to all the fundamentals of techniques, reading waves, and fundamentals. Different Cover now. 

A list of everything you need to know A-Z about techniques, waves, fitness, and equipment. Different cover now. 

surfing trilogy
seniors getr fit to surf
every body can surf

Enjoy and model the surfer lifestyle. How surfers get chill and connected to themselves and Nature

3 books in one. Learn to Surf Guide, Get Fit to Surf, and The 3 Week Plan. Get it all in one stop. 

So many seniors explore surfing and ask if it is too late! It is not! I teach a lot of seniors to surf. Here’s How

Surfing is on Millions of Bucket Lists. People wonder can I? Yes you can, and here is how. 

build strength and stamina
extra ordinary life

No need to wait or procrastinate. Feel great, look great, and find your peak performance

A secret to living at a high vibration and attracting people and opportunities is learning to live with a gratitude practice

We can have Happiness every day. Nature has programmed it in our DNA and you just have to learn the secrets

The keys to an extra ordinary life under any circumstances are adopting the right perspective, habits, and behaviors.